Documentation for use of the
WHAT (Wolfberg's Helpful Anagramming Tool) program, 2004-present.
Personal Web Site, 1997-present.
Layout Definition Language, 1994, and
miscellaneous other internal technical reports and user
documentation, mostly in electronic form, for Interleaf,
Inc., 1991-1996.
Various manuals on the VAX/VMS VIPER System, for AT&T
Technologies, Lisle, Illinois, 1988-1990.
FOXNET Communication Software for MFCI Host Computer
- System Design Specification, July 1983. Coauthors:
Courtney Brown, Randy Rohrbach, Ian Wells.
Various manuals on the VIPER System and MONGOOSE System
for Western Electric, Lisle, Illinois, 1973-1982.
Fundamentals of the AMBIT/L List-Processing Language,
a paper presented at ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on
Two-Dimensional Man-Machine Communication, Los Alamos,
New Mexico, October 1972, published in SIGPLAN
Notices, October 1972, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 66-75.
Highlights of the AMBIT/L Programming System, DECUS
Proceedings, Spring 1972,
Compass CA-7205-1111.
AMBIT/L Programming System User's Guide,
Research Division, Applied Data Research,
Compass CA-7201-1711, January 1972.
AMBIT/G as an Implementation Language, a paper
given at the IEEE International Convention and
Exposition, New York, March 1971. Coauthor: Carlos
A Report on AMBIT/G, Final Report - Task Area I
(in four volumes) for the project Research in
Machine-Independent Software Programming, Research
Division, Applied Data Research,
Compass CA-7102-2611, February 1971. Coauthors: Carlos
Christensen and Michael J. Fischer.
An Interactive Graph Theory System, a paper
presented at Computer Graphics 70 International
Symposium, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex,
England, April 1970, published in Parslow and Green,
eds., Advanced Computer Graphics Economics Techniques
and Applications, Plenum Press, New York, 1971, pp.
A User's View of the Character Recognition Program,
Compass CA-6908-1812, August 1969.
An Interactive Graph Theory System, The Moore
School of Electrical Engineering, University of
Pennsylvania, M.S. Report No. 69-25, June 1969. Also
Ph.D. dissertation.
Kriegspiel Chess with a Computer Referee, The
Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of
Pennsylvania, April 1968.
, The Moore School of
Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, M.S.
Report 68-11, October 1967. Coauthor: Thomas Johnson.
The Input/Output and Control System of the Moore
School Problem Solving Facility, The Moore School of
Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, M.S.
Report 67-30, June 1967.
Coauthor: Richard P. Morton.
UP.L6 - An L6 System for the IBM 7040, The Moore
School of Electrical Engineering, University of
Pennsylvania, Summer 1966. Coauthor: Paul A. T. Wolfgang.
The PDP-5 as a Satellite Processor, Proceedings
of the DECUS Symposium, Spring 1966.
Coauthor: Paul R. Weinberg.
Numerous manuals on programs for the PDP-8, The Moore
School of Electrical Engineering, University of
Pennsylvania, 1965-1969. Many of these were also entered
into the DECUS Program Library.
Determination of Maximally Complete Subgraphs,
The Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of
Pennsylvania, M.S. Report 65-27, May 1965. Also M.S.
Various manuals on the PDP-1 and the use of the PDP-1
Time Sharing System, M.I.T. Department of Electrical
Engineering, 1963.
An Invisible Debugger for a PDP-1 Time Sharing System,
Proceedings of the DECUS Symposium, Spring 1963.
Based on B.S. thesis.