up to the Massachusetts SCRABBLE® Clubs

Worcester, MA SCRABBLE® Club #600

Special Notices

This club is meeting live now on the first, third, and rare fifth Tuesdays of the month, but many of the players are playing games online every week. Club stats are kept separately for live games and online games. Live game reporting is done by Mike Wolfberg using the same system used for the Lexington Club. Bingos need not be reported for live games. Mike sends a report after each meeting to a subscriber list; you need not be a regular player to get these messages. Online game reports are done by James Krycka.

You can get to this webpage by browsing for: WSC.wolfberg.net

Since after the Covid-19 pandemic, this club meets the first, third, and usually on the rare fifth Tuesday evenings of the month from 5:00 to 8:00 at The Nu Kitchen at 335 Chandler St., Worcester, MA 01602. Some players get there and start as early as 3:00 p.m. The place currently closes at 8:00 p.m. Some players then go to a different venue for a few more games until midnight or later. BOGGLE is also played at that venue.

You may come and play at any time and leave at any time - you need not commit to staying for the entire session, but you are expected to complete any game you begin. Typical attendance recently has been 6 - 10 players.

This club is recognized by the North American SCRABBLE® Players Association (NASPA) and follows NASPA rules for club and tournament play, using the NWL2023 lexicon (as of Febrauary, 2024) as the main word source. This means ethnic slurs are not allowed, such as JEW and ABO. Very rarely, there are games which are based on the CSW2022 lexicon, otherwise known as Collins. The club keeps limited game statistics, and players are ranked by game-winning percentage. The club sseason is from June 1 through the end of May. The director sends out a weekly email season statistics report.

This club is open to anyone at any level of play. The use of timers (chess clocks) is encouraged.

At the conclusion of each game, the winner should record the scores on a club form.

An old roster (requires updating) of regular players, including photos, e-mail addresses, and ISC handles

To contact acting director Beth Mix either call 860-803-7098, or email her at: beth@mixerson.com The director will soon be Megan McMahon.

Directions to the Nu Kitchen can be found here.

back to the top of this page This page, maintained by Mike Wolfberg, was last updated on July 26, 2024 .