up to the Lexington SCRABBLE® Club

Lexington, MA SCRABBLE® Club Statistics

Unfortunately, the club records over its many years of existence are not consolidated. Some research must be done to locate the significant events of the club. As such data is found it will be entered here. These are the categories (showing the current club records) we are tracking, a few of which need more research:

Highest Score

The highest game score achieved during a club session was made by Michael Cresta on 12-Oct-06, when he scored 830. This was also a record-breaking game for a SCRABBLE® club game in North America. Other records were also broken by this game. There were no unchallenged phoneys in this game. This game can be viewed here.

The second-highest game score achieved during a club session was made by Mike Wolfberg on 21-Jun-07, when he scored 737 against Jamie Ryan, who was at the time ranked second in the club. Unfortunately, Mike's focus was contaminated by excessive club chatter when he missed finding a triple-triple twice and also accepted a phony. He could have exceeded 800 points in that game, but 737 is still a notable achievement. This game can be viewed here.

The third-highest game score achieved during a club session was made by Jamie Ryan on 27-Feb-14, when he scored 717. This game was unfortunately "contaminated" with two accepted phonies which were the first plays of each of the players. This game was also significant in that Jamie played six consecutive bingos starting on his second move; the first of these was a triple-triple for 185 points. With the losing score of 339, the total for the game was 1056. This game can be viewed here.

The fourth-highest game score achieved during a club session was made by Joel Horn on 27-Jun-13, when he scored 713. This game was unfortunately "contaminated" with phoneys. This game included Joel's 221-point CAJEPuTS on a triple-triple, which tied Joel's record for his highest word to date. Joel played four consecutive bingos starting on his second move, and he ended the game with a going-out bingo. Weirdly, Joel's previous highest game was played exactly 11 years earlier at this club - see below. This game can be viewed here.

The fifth-highest game score achieved during a club session was made by Mike Wolfberg on 4-Nov-82, when he scored 709. This game was unfortunately "contaminated" with phoneys. This game included a 185-point BUOYANCY on a triple-triple, which is neither a record by Mike nor a club record. This game can be viewed here. Several years later in the Boston club, Mike broke 700 again, scoring 701 in a game devoid of phoneys by him.

Before the above game was played, the record was held by Bill McDonald - he scored 644 against his opponent's 254. Contributing to his high score was a 158-point triple of UNFUNDED. Bill's high game was played on 19-Aug-82.

The sixth-highest score in a club session which we remember is 707 by Richard Buck on 4-Nov-10. This was Richard's highest-scoring game. Richard played two triple-triples in the game: DATELESS for 140 and REVOLUTe for 149. He played two other bingos: AGENiZE for 92 and STAINER for 85. This game can be viewed here. When this game was played, it was incorrectly reported as a 706, but there was a 1-point addition error noticed subsequently.

The seventh-highest score in a club session which we remember is 703 by Joel Horn on 27-Jun-02. Joel got away with one phony triple-triple of PARIETIc, when he could have played APERITIf.

The eighth-highest score in a club session which we remember is another high game by Richard Buck. He scored 700 on 17-Feb-11 with no triple-triples; he played 6 bingos. This game can be viewed here. Club visitor Karl Higby also had a 700 game on 21-Jun-12 and this game can be viewed here.

The tenth-highest score in a club session which we remember is 696 by Ben Harrison on 22-Jul-04. Ben played one unchallenged 28-point phony. His opponent scored 204, so the point spread was 492. This game can be viewed here. When this game was played, it was incorrectly reported as a 706, but there was a 10-point addition error noticed subsequently.

The next 3 highest scores which we remember are: a 694 by Richard Buck, a 686 by Mark Fidler on 22-Mar-01, and a 677 by Steve Root; further details about this 677 game are in the "High Total Scores" section following the next section.

Highest Percentage Above Average Score

The club weekly news reports on the game played the previous week in which the score was the highest above the player's average. Although this could be a losing score, this has been the case only once. Although this has been reported for most of the club's life, the percentage has been announced starting with the 1997-1998 season, so that is when the club record begins with this statistic. A player must have played at least 20 games (changed from 10 games in Sep-99) in the current season to be eligible for this accolade.

If it weren't for the 20 game minimum rule, the record-breaking high game of the club would have counted as 139% for Michael Cresta, when he scored 830. The loser of that game, Wayne Yorra, got the high-above-average accolade that week with his losing score of 490; the percentage was 47.8%, and this was the first game in club history when the loser received the accolade.

These are the games with the highest percentages since we have tracked this statistic:

Date Player Percentage Score
Mar 22, 2001   Mark Fidler   80.6%   686
Jul 22, 2004   Ben Harrison   79.8%   696
Jun 21, 2007   Mike Wolfberg   76.1%   737
Jun 27, 2002   Joel Horn   73.6%   703
Apr 12, 2001   Gerri Martin   73.3%   636
Jun 27, 2013   Joel Horn   71.0%   713
Mar 11, 2004   Larry Katz   70.2%   615

Highest Total Score

The record-breaking game by Michael Cresta and Wayne Yorra on 12-Oct-06 resulted in the highest total score in any club game, and this was 1320. Their game score was 830-490. This record also holds for North American club play.

The second-highest total score was achieved on 21-Jun-07 when Mike Wolfberg defeated Jamie Ryan 737-340; so their total was 1077 points. This game can be viewed here.

Steve Root recalls a game with a high total game score of 1062 points, in which Steve scored 677 and Jere Mead scored 385. Steve played a 293-point SNEEZIER on a triple-triple, with the Z on the DLS. At the time this game was played, this may have set the NSA record for a highest single-turn score; since then, there have been 302- and 311-point plays made in North America, but the record-breaking game by Cresta and Yorra included a 365-point play. In that Root-Mead game, Steve played FRAMINGS when he could have played FARMINGS; both are acceptable today, but only FARMINGS was acceptable back then; so this game was not phony-free at the time it was played. Had Steve not gotten caught with the Q at the end, he would likely have exceeded 700 points.

The fourth-highest total score in this club was 1056 in a game on 27-Feb-14 in which Jamie Ryan defeated Susan Kirchhausen 717-339. This game can be viewed here.

The fifth-highest total score in this club was 1050 in a game on 15-Apr-10 in which Steven Saul defeated visiting player Chris Cree 551-499. Each player made only 10 turns in this phony-free game, four of which were bingos. This game can be viewed here.

The sixth-highest total score in this club was 1046 in a game on 7-Oct-04, in which Steven Saul defeated Joel Horn 546-500. In this phony-free game, the first five plays were bingos, and each of the players bingoed 4 times. This game can be viewed here.

The seventh-highest total score in this club was 1045 in a game on 19-Sep-19 in which Jake Bergmann defeated Chris Kulig 544-501. This game can be viewed here.

The eighth-highest total in this club was 1034 in a game on 20-Dec-18, in which Chris Kulig defeated Bob Becker 572-462.

The ninth-highest total in this club was 1033 in a game on 1-Feb-07, in which Judy Horn defeated Cecilia Le 601-432. Judy made a 140-point triple-triple of GRATINEE in that game.

The tenth-highest total in this club was 1032 in a game on 17-Aug-17, in which Judy Horn defeated Steven Saul 670-362. Judy went out with a 140-point triple-triple of DIS(O)RDER in that game.

The eleventh-highest total in this club was 1028 in a game on 27-Aug-09 in which Mike Wolfberg defeated Judy Cole 580-448. If Mike had played his last turn differently to score more rather than going out, the game would have had a total with 14 more points. In this game Mike bingoed 4 times, and Judy bingoed twice, one of which was a 140-point GROUNDED triple-triple.

The twelfth-highest total in this club was 1021 in a game on 14-Jun-07 in which Jamie Ryan defeated John O'Laughlin 588-433. In that game, Jamie made a 167-point RANCIDLY. John was attending the club for his first visit on that occasion.

The thirteenth-highest total in this club was 1014 in a game on 24-Sep-09, in which Jamie Ryan defeated Wayne Yorra 638-375.

The fourteenth-highest total in this club was 1013 in a game on 1-Jul-10, in which Joel Horn defeated Richard Buck 569-444.

The fifteenth-highest total in this club was 1012 in a game on 21-Jan-10, in which Mike Wolfberg defeated Jamie Ryan 578-434. Jamie made a 149-point triple-triple with OPTIONAL through the P in that game along with another bingo; Mike played 4 bingos, including his opening play of FATTILY.

The sixteenth-highest total in this club was 1011 in a game on 24-May-18, in which Jake Bergmann defeated Chris Kulig 522-489. Jake made a 221-point EXAMIn(E)S at board position 15A in that game.

The seventeenth-highest total in this club was 1008 in a game on 12-Mar-09, in which Judy Horn defeated Leigh Bernstein 549-459.

The eighteenth-highest total in this club was 1006 in a game on 13-Dec-12, in which Mike Wolfberg defeated Diana Spiller 676-330.

The ninteenth-highest total in this club was 1001 in a game on 4-Jan-07, in which Aaron Bader defeated Jake Bergmann 609-392.

The nineteenth-highest total score in this club was 1000 in a game on 19-Jun-03, in which Mike Wolfberg defeated John Van Pelt 514-486. In that game Mike made a 149-point MARABOUS, which was immediately followed by John's 185-point PSHAWING. This game also set a new record for the club's highest losing score, which has since been exceeded. This game can be viewed here.

Another 1000-point game was played on 12-Apr-07 in which Ben Harrison defeated Bruce Adams 583-417. Ben played 5 bingos and Bruce played one bingo which was a triple-triple for 122 points.

Also see the next section on high losing scores in the club.

High Losing Scores

Date Loser Losing
Winner Winning
Sep 19, 2019   Chris Kulig   501   Jake Bergmann   544   1045
Oct 7, 2004   Joel Horn   500   Steven Saul   546   1046
Apr 15, 2010   Chris Cree   499   Steven Saul   551   1050
Dec 4, 2014   Joel Horn   499   Jamie Ryan   501   1000
Oct 12, 2006   Wayne Yorra   490   Michael Cresta   830   1320
May 24, 2018   Chris Kulig   489   Jake Bergmann   522   1011
Jun 19, 2003   John Van Pelt   486   Mike Wolfberg   514   1000
Dec 6, 2012   Marc Goldstein   484   Trx. Kt.   504   988
Aug 18, 2011   Jon Shreve   484   Rebecca Lambert   502   986
Jan 12, 1989   Merrill Kaitz   480   Mike Wolfberg   493   973
Jun 26, 2003   Judy Horn   478   Joel Horn   483   961
Dec 30, 2010   Jamie Ryan   477   Mike Wolfberg   521   998
Jul 27, 2017   Joel Horn   477   Mike Wolfberg   506   983
Nov 13, 1989        Gerri Martin      476            Judy Horn      500             976
Feb 23, 2006   Jamie Ryan   473   Jake Bergman   496   969
Jun 26, 2008   Steven Saul   473   Alyssa Faria   474   947
Feb 1, 2007   Joel Horn   472   Diana Spiller   487   959
Aug 14, 2003   Carl Durdan   470   Dean Cullen   518   988
Nov 1, 2007   Bob Becker   470   Ben Harrison   480   950
Jul 1, 1999   John Van Pelt   468   Mark Fidler   517   985
Aug 23, 2007   Jamie Ryan   468   Judy Horn   491   959
Oct 1, 1998   Merrill Kaitz   467   Dave Mallick   474   941
Sep 5, 1996   Joel Horn   465   Muriel Sands   494   959
Oct 17, 2002   Judy Horn   465   Mike Wolfberg   485   950
Jun 17, 2010   Joel Horn   464   Ben Harrison   465   919
Jan 19, 2012   Chris Kulig   464   Joel Horn   492   956
Jul 7, 2005   Judy Horn   463   Jamie Ryan   469   932
Jun 14, 2007   Dielle Saldanha   463   Mike Wolfberg   479   942
Oct 16, 1997   Mark Fidler   462   Richard Buck   501   963
Aug 28, 2003   Mike Wolfberg   462   Bruce Adams   469   931
May 13, 2004   Mike Wolfberg   462   Steven Saul   472   934
Dec 20, 2018   Bob Becker   462   Chris Kulig   572   1034

High Tieing Scores

On 29-Oct-98, Merrill Kaitz and Richard Buck tied with a 462. We are uncertain if this is a club record, but we are tracking this from then on.

The second-highest tie we recall was in a game on 12-Feb-04 when Joel Horn and Barbara Revkin tied with a score of 451.

On 11-Aug-11, Merrill and Richard once again had a high tie at 447-447

On 22-Dec-11, Jesse Day and Mike Wolfberg tied with a score of 446-446. Mike opened the game with FOXED for 40 points. After Jesse's small response, Mike extended his word to the TWS making OUTFOXED for 57 points. On Jesse's next three plays he bingoed with DISARMED, UNTILLED, and SAPROPEL. Mike used blanks for his two bingos of VACUOlES and CRESTaL.

On 14-Jan-10, Judy Horn and Steven Saul tied with a score of 445.

On 18-Sep-08, Richard Buck and Ben Harrison tied with a score of 438.

Although the ties were not high-scoring, on 11-Mar-04 there were 2 ties in that session. That was also a record-breaking session for club attendance (44). Then, only two weeks later, on 25-Mar-04, with 37 players in attendance, there were again 2 ties - 408-408 and 404-404.

Lowest Winning Score

There may be some low winning scores in this club in games among novice players, and we have not made special note of these. However, on 19-Jan-06, experienced players Trx. Kt. defeated Wayne Yorra 180-170. This game was terminated early when there were six consecutive plays scoring zero.

In a game between two higher-rated experienced players, we saw a low winning score on 12-Jul-07 when Judy Horn defeated Seth Lipkin 279-262.

Lowest Tieing Score

On 5-Aug-10, for the first time in club history, there was a game in which the scores were below zero. This one was a tie with -10 to -10 between Claudia Cassell and Richard Buck. They made six plays of zero points at the game's start and so it stopped.

Each player just happened to have 10 points in her/his rack. Unfortunately, the program we use for the club ratings was not prepared to accept a negative score. This was the first time in club history that such a game was played. So we first tried to record this as a tie of 0 to 0. Although the program accepted this, both players' ratings were unaffected. The math for this case was not appropriate. To better affect the ratings, the game was then recorded as a tie with a score which was the average of the two players' current averages, and this was 380-380. This does mess up the averages of these players a little, but at least their ratings were affected in an expected way - Claudia went up by 5 rating points, and Richard went down by 5 rating points.

The same low tie score of -10 was achieved on 28-Jul-16 between Carol McDonald and Steven Gonzales.

Except for the above two games, we have not paid attention to low ties. As a reference point, there was a tie of 327-327 between Richard and Joel Horn on 2-Feb-12.

Highest-Scoring Bingo

As with several other stats, we have not carefully tracked the highest-scoring plays made at this club. The highest one we now recall is the 365-point QUIXOTRY by Michael Cresta, mentioned above in more than one category.

The runner-up high-scoring bingo is Steve Root's 293-point play of SNEEZIER, mentioned above in the "Highest Total Score" section.

The third-highest high-scoring bingo is Judy Horn's 275-point nONEQuAL, which she played (through the E) on 8-Jun-06.

The fourth-highest high-scoring bingo was played by Norma Marshall on 16-Sep-10; she played QuICKeST at board position A1 through the K for 266.

The fifth-highest high-scoring bingo was played by Steven Saul on 24-Sep-09; he played QUALMIER for 248.

The sixth-highest high-scoring bingo we recall is Michael Cresta's 239-point FLATFISH, which he played in the same game as he played the 365-point QUIXOTRY.

Although these were not played at a club session, club members Bruce Adams and Mike Wolfberg each made 239-point plays at National SCRABBLE® Championships. At NSC2000 in Providence, RI Bruce played WOOZIEST, and at NSC2004 in New Orleans, LA Mike played OVERSIZE.

Highest-Scoring Non-Bingo

On 10-Oct-13, Judy Horn set the new club record by scoring 162 with a triple-triple non-bingo. She had the option of playing the bingo RESILED elsewhere, but chose to surround AZO at A3 to make DIAZOLES at A1 to get the much higher score.

On 7-Oct-10, Jamie Ryan scored 144 with a triple-triple non-bingo. WE was on the board at A13, and although he had DELIVER in his rack, there was no place to put it. He used 6 of those letters to play REVIEWED at A8.

On 5-Nov-09, Larry Katz broke the short-lived club record by getting 136 points for a non-bingo. Here is Joel Horn's description of how the play was made: After Larry played WeBSITE at K3 to take a sizable lead, I played EMeRGE at 4I to set up a couple spots. He played ANI at 3M to try to block. I drew an S, but couldn't use the spot very well, so I played HOP at 2M to set up my S. He then played EPISODIC at O1 for 136 (through PI).

On 16-Feb-12, Joel Horn played a triple-triple non-bingo of ENAMELED at 15A for 126 points through the Es at 15E and 15G. He passed up making a bingo elsewhere on the board for fewer points, and as a result was able to retain the blank in his rack.

On 11-Feb-10, Joel Horn played a triple-triple of TWEEDIER through the WE, which scored 117 points.

On 15-Jul-10, Joel Horn tied his own record of 117 points by playing triple-triple wHELPING through HELP at 1H.

On 30-Jul-09, Judy Cole broke the 8.5-year tough-to-beat record for the club's highest-scoring non-bingo with a 111-point play. Her opponent had played SINUATE at 15F, and then she played ZINGY at 14J, with the Z on the TLS and the whole word doubled. The new OWL2 word ZA was helpful in achieving this record.

On 20-Oct-16, Joel Horn scored 111 points for JEZAIL at 1D. He chose this instead of saving his J and playing either AZIDE for 99 or ZEDA for 94.

On 7-Feb-19, Steven Saul scored 111 points for JEEZ at 1A.

On 4-Jan-01 Arnie Horowitz made a high-scoring non-bingo. One column to the right of the center column, OY was in row 12 and M was in row 13. Arnie played JEEZ vertically, ending on the middle square of the bottom row. The score was 109 and his words were so appropriate!

On 24-Nov-07, Bruce Adams played ZIBET at 14J, hooking the Z to an FE at J12; there was also an O at 13K. This scored 109 points, tying Arnie's long-standing club record.

On 9-Nov-06, Mike Wolfberg made a 106-point non-bingo.

On 12-Feb-05 at a club party which was club-rated, John Ezekowitz made a 105-point non-bingo. John had played the phony CHINT to end just above the light blue double letter square on the left bottom row. Then, he hooked this with ZINGS. Although he did not even consider the playable bingo he had, John scored more with this non-bingo than he could have scored with that bingo.

On 26-Mar-09, Judy Horn made a 104-point non-bingo by playing QAIDS horizontally at the lower right of the board, with the Q on the TLS. QAI played above IRT, which was at the end of OUTsKIRT already on the bottom row. Several turns later in the game Judy made a 203-point FaRTHEST as a triple-triple through the S at the right end of the top row. She scored 650 in this game.

On 16-Apr-09, Leigh Bernstein made a 103-point play with ZOOEY at A4 alongside WRACK already at B6.

On 16-May-02, passing up an opportunity to bingo for 82 points, Richard Buck made a 103-point non-bingo. He played ZoNER vertically in the lower left corner of the board in the second column, also forming ZIT, ONE, and NOR.

On 30-Jan-03, Joel Horn made a 102-point QUAKE at A4 when PLANTER was on the board at B5.

On 21-Jun-07, Arnie Horowitz made a 102-point ZEPS.

We are uncertain if these are club records, but we have henceforth kept track of such accomplishments.

Lowest-Scoring Play

On 13-Feb-03 Dean Cullen ended a game with a zero-point play. Although he found a 10-point play elsewhere, he enjoyed making this unusual play of placing a blank next to a blank to form a 2-letter word for no points.

On 3-Jan-08, Mark Fidler made his final play in a club game scoring only one point. He used only the blank, and said it was the ONLY available going-out play at the time. He did not intentionally make the small play for the fun of it, as did Dean with his 0-point play.

Highest Number of Bingos Played in a Game

This category is mostly about the number of bingos made by one player, but the first subsection describes high numbers of bingos by the two players.

By Two Players

On 7-Oct-04, in a game between Steven Saul and Joel Horn, the two players played a total of 8 bingos. This game, which holds the record for the highest loss in the club, can be viewed here.

On 27-Jun-19, in a game between Joel Horn and Mike Wolfberg there were a total of 7 bingos played: four by Joel and three by Mike. Joel's bingos were: SYM(B)OLED, (N)ATURIsT, BAI(L)SMEN, and WEIRDeD. Mike's bingos were: PREBOIL, EVE(N)TFUL, and (T)ARTNESS. Joel won with a game score of 472-441.

On 5-Dec-24, in a game between Mike Wolfberg and Joel Horn there were a total of 7 bingos played: four by Mike and three by Joel, one of which was an accepted phony. Mike's bingos were: GROUTED, SORBING, WAGGONED, HERALDS. Joel's bingos were: TENESQUE, VICTUAL, TRUDGER. Mike won with a game acore of 456-447.

On 6-Dec-12, in a game between Trx. Kt. and Marc Goldstein there were a total of 7 bingos played: three by Trx. and four by Marc. We had not noted before that game was played whether there have been other 7-bingo games, but it is likely.

By One Player

On 4-Apr-96, Adam Logan played 6 bingos in one game for the first time (likely) this was done in this club: LONGLINE, TAILLEUR, EPEnDYMA, MATURES, AEROBES, RATFINKS. His score for the game was 611. Since this game, we have henceforth kept track of such accomplishments.

On 8-Sep-16, Richard Buck played 6 bingos in one game: MADRONE, ROO(T)AGES, VIRTUAL, SIDINGS, TAPIOcA, oUTCOME. His score for the game was 633. His opponent played one bingo: INDEXER(S)

On 6-Jul-06, Chris Guilbert played 6 bingos in one game: FLUIDITy, ARGUFiES, ODONATE, EBONIZES, HEAUMES, ANKERITE. His score for the game was 582.

On 12-Jul-07, Joel Horn played 6 bingos in one game: NICTATE, NEONATES, JOINtURE, FuLSOME, RAINIEST, AFEARED. He played all of those bingos within 7 plays, after starting the game with a trade. His score for the game was 612. This game can be viewed here.

On 19-Mar-09, Leigh Bernstein played 6 bingos in one game: POINTEd, CAULKED, FOUNTAIN, MOLDIER, DISTEnD, LIFTERS. Leigh scored 607. One of his non-bingos was the accepted phony MANX which scored 52.

On 17-Feb-11, Richard Buck played 6 bingos in one game: TAENIaE, UNNAILED, CARBONED, EvOCABLE, FOISTED, POETIZER. Richard scored 700. One of his bingos was the accepted phony CARBONED which scored 76.

On 7-Jul-11, Joel Horn played 6 bingos in one game: ERASION, POTTAGE, INCLUDER, HALOGENs, SORTIED, TRIODES. Joel scored 668. One of his bingos was an accepted phony, and two of his bingos are anagrams.

On 29-Sep-11, Merrill Kaitz played 6 bingos in one game. Five of these were in a row in Merrill's second through sixth turns. Two of these were accepted plausible phonies (APHOLIAS and CYGNATE), but his two best ones were VORTICES for 87 and REJOINED for 98. His score was 673.

On 22-Dec-11, Joel Horn played 6 bingos in one game: APNOEIC, ACOLYTES, COINABLE, RAnGIeR, GERANIUM, SENATOR. Joel scored 603.

On 27-Feb-14, Jamie Ryan played 6 bingos in one game, and more significantly these were played on 6 consecutive plays by Jamie, starting on his second play of the game: OUTCAtCH, EULOGIAS, PENNINES, HAIRLINE, WEIGhTY, BUTTONED. Jamie scored 717.

On 7-Jun-18, first-time visitor Mack Meller played 6 bingos in one game against the club's 2nd-ranked player; he made these bingos within his first 8 moves of his game: EXPIRED, SILICLE, THEREON, SiMNELS, NOTECAR(D), YTtRIUM(S), Mack scored 609.

On 21-Aug-03 Bruce Adams played a 5-bingo game, playing these bingos: READILY, HETAIRAI, CASHIERS, FORAGING, CURATING. Bruce scored 576.

On 5-Sep-02, in the first game of the 2002-2003 season, Joel Horn played 5 bingos in one game. He had another such game on September 12, the following week. In each of these games, Joel opened with 3 bingos in a row, which is sometimes called "bingo-bango-bongo".

On 3-Sep-09, again on the first night of a season, Joel Horn again played 5 bingos in one game.

On 24-Apr-03 both Steven Saul and Joel Horn played 5 bingos in separate games against the very same opponent, who is one of the top 15 players in the club.

On 31-Jul-03 Joel Horn played his fourth 5-bingo game of the season and scored 612.

On 14-Aug-08, Joel Horn again played a 5-bingo game. What was interesting about this game is he bingoed on his first play and then his other bingos were three plays apart (plays 1, 4, 7, 10, 13).

On 22-Apr-10, Mark Fidler played a 5-bingo game; the first four of these were on his first four plays: TOlUENE, BLEATING, RESUMING, VAPORISE, BETAINES. All five bingos scored 62-65; none were on DWS or TWS.

On 13-May-10, Joel Horn once again played a 5-bingo game. He did it again on 27-Jun-13, and that was also a high-scoring game; four of his bingos were played sequentially; the first one was an accepted phony.

On 27-May-10, two players played 5-bingo games: first, Evans Clinchy played THROSTLE, ACRIDINE, BIOCLEAN, AGONISE, and DiTZIEST. Evans scored 639 in that game. He then was the loser in his next game, when Richard Buck played 5 bingos, scoring 569. Richard's bingos were: DEALATE, SCORNED, FAINTERS, STEADILY, EVERSION.

During the 2004-2005 season, there were several games in which one player played 5 bingos, and these players were: Judy Horn, Joel Horn, Richard Buck, and Aaron Bader.

These are the players who played 5-bingo games in the 2006-2007 season: Ben Harrison.

In the 2016-2017 season, Joel Horn had two 5-bingo games.

Highest Number of One-Player Consecutive Bingos Played in a Game

On 27-Feb-14, beginning on his second turn, Jamie Ryan played 6 bingos in a row in the game noted in the previous section when he played a total of 6 bingos.

On 12-Jul-07, beginning on his second turn and having traded on his first turn, Joel Horn played 4 bingos in a row in the game noted in the previous section when he played a total of 6 bingos.

On 8-May-08, Joel Horn again played 4 bingos in a row in a game, and these were all natural (devoid of blanks): GIRASOLS, SWAGING, ENVELOPE, CORONATE.

On 27-Jun-13, Joel Horn yet again played 4 bingos in a row in a game, starting on his second turn: PRENAMED, CAJEPuTS, EMAILING, BARONETS. His first bingo was an accepted phony. He also played a fifth bingo to end the game.

On 22-Apr-10, Mark Fidler opened a game with a bingo on each of his first four plays: TOlUENE, BLEATING, RESUMING, VAPORISE. He went on to play a fifth bingo (BETAINES) in that game. All five bingos scored 62-65; none were on DWS or TWS.

Mike Wolfberg has twice played 4 bingos in a row in one game:

On 29-Jan-09, Jamie Ryan played 4 sequential bingos beginning on his second play: CAVALIER, CHARGED, BIZARrE, OPTIONaL; he also played another bingo in that game.

On 8-Jul-04, Jere Mead came close to this record; after playing 3 bingos in a row, he made a 72-point play using 6 letters. He played HOICKING through the C and the second I, and this was a double-double.

We are uncertain if these are club records, but we have henceforth kept track of such accomplishments.

Although this was not played at a club session, club member Jere Mead holds the North American record of 5 consecutive bingos by one player, which he set at the 1989 North American Championship. These were Jere's first five plays, and he began with LEAPFROG through the P.

Mike Wolfberg also played a game with 5 consecutive bingos, but not at the Lexington Club. This was at the unsanctioned Sharon, MA Club in July, 2007. Details can be found on Mike's page of his personal SCRABBLE achievehments.

Highest Number of Two-Player Consecutive Bingos Played in a Game

On 7-Oct-04, in a game between Steven Saul and Joel Horn, the two players opened the game with 5 consecutive bingos. This game, which holds the record for the highest loss in the club, can be viewed here.

On 14-Apr-05, Sherrie Saint John and Diana Spiller opened the game with 4 consecutive bingos: RADIOeD, HELlion, DOTTIEST, and RATIONAL.

Many Scores Above 500 in a Session

On 21-Jun-07, with 35 players in attendance, there were 18 games in which the winner exceeded 500: Mike Wolfberg (737), John O'Laughlin (582, 528), Ben Harrison (598, 569, 538, 510), Joel Horn (557, 547), Jesse Day (552), Jamie Ryan (540, 537), Rod MacNeil (530), Cecilia Le (506, 503), Chris Sinacola (528, 519), Trx. Kt. (504).

On 19-Jul-07, with 33 players in attendance, there were 16 games in which the winner exceeded 500: Jesse Day (644, 509), Joel Horn (609, 522), John O'Laughlin (596, 503), Carl Durdan (595), Ian Weinstein (549, 518), Judy Horn (543), Jamie Ryan (541, 538, 510, 501), Richard Buck (536), Seth Lipkin (505, 502).

On 27-Sep-07, with 29 players in attendance, there were 15 games in which the winner exceeded 500: Larry Katz (615), Joel Horn (585), Brad Whitmarsh (574, 529), Steven Saul (571, 508), Mike Wolfberg (543, 526, 520, 508), Seth Lipkin (524), Tim Wilkinson (520), Wayne Yorra (515), Mark Fidler (507), Jamie (504).

On 29-Mar-07, with 34 players in attendance, there were 14 games in which the winner exceeded 500: Mark Fidler (596, 551), Steven Saul (578, 509), Cecilia Le (558), Alyssa Faria (532), Jamie Ryan (525), Kate Fukawa-Connelly (521), Rod MacNeil (512), Larry Katz (512), Leigh Bernstein (510), Ben Harrison (510), Jake Bergmann (504), Rob Wilstein (503).

On 2-Nov-06, with 30 players in attendance, there were 14 games in which the winner exceeded 500: Brad Whitmarsh (564), Cecilia Le (551), Joel Horn (550, 530), Mike Wolfberg (543, 527), Larry Katz (536, 524), John Van Pelt (534), Richard Buck (527), Ben Harrison (520), Jamie Ryan (517, 509), Merrill Kaitz (516). In 8 of these games, the loser was either one of the players in this winner list or a player from among the top half of the active ranked players in the club; it was not a situation of stronger players beating up on weaker players.

On 7-Jun-07, with 37 players in attendance, there were 14 games in which the winner scored at least 500: Jamie Ryan 612, 595, 500, Richard Buck 581, Rod MacNeil 573, 500, Joel Horn 570, Brad Whitmarsh 562, Barbara Revkin 549, Tim Wilkinson 527, Jesse Day 523, Brendan Sullivan 520, Ben Harrison 519, Ellen Miller 501.

On 27-May-10, with 28 players in attendance, there were 14 games in which the winner scored at least 500: Evans Clinchy 639 and 512, Mike Wolfberg 623 and 502, Jamie Ryan 587, 534 and 516, Carl Durdan 575, Richard Buck 569, Jake Bergmann 532, Brad Whitmarsh 523, Judy Horn 521, Joel Horn 516, Trx. Kt. 515.

We are uncertain if these are club records, but we have been taking notice of such accomplishments since Feb-98.

Many Totals of at least 900 in a Session

On 22-Mar-07, when attendance was 33, there were 7 games in which the total of points scored were at least 900:

On the very same day, there were also many high losses (9).

On 24-Mar-11, when attendance was 28, there were 6 games in which the total points scored was higher than 900:

On 1-Feb-07, when attendance was 33, there were 5 games in which the total of points scored exceeded 900:

We are uncertain if these are club records, but we will henceforth keep track of such accomplishments.

Many High Losses in a Session

On 15-Mar-07, when attendance was 27, 12 games were played in which the loser scored over 400: Leigh Bernstein 434 (to Jake Bergmann's 436), Barbara Revkin 430 (to Rod MacNeil's 474), Rob Wilstein 423 (to Joel Horn's 433), Trx. Kt. 420 (to Bob Becker's 489), Brad Whitmarsh 420 (to Larry Katz's 457), Bob 421 (to Brad's 473), Mike Wolfberg 416 (to Judy Horn's 447), Diana Spiller 414 (to Larry's 424), Steven Saul 413 (to Rod's 468), Brad 409 (to Cecilia Le's 440), Leigh 407 (to Joel's 433), Kate Fukawa-Connelly 406 (to Mark Fidler's 438).

On 11-Jun-09, when attendance was 23, 11 games were played in which the loser scored at least 400: Judy Horn 450 (to Jamie Ryan's 463), Richard Buck 441 (to Jake Bergmann's 454), Catherine Day 417 (to Wayne Yorra's 447), Judy Horn 414 (to Ben Harrison's 558), Judy Cole 414 (to Joel Horn's 460), Jane Conti 414 (to Linda Giovinazzo's 419), Betsey Wood 411 (to Ian Weinstein's 415), Wayne Yorra 405 (to Joel's 407), Evans Clinchy 403 (to Steven Saul's 423), Judy Cole 400 (to Ben's 410), Gina Fassio 400 (to Ian's 438).

On 26-Jul-07, when attendance was 40, 11 games were played in which the loser (or person who tied) scored at least 400: Richard Buck 434 (to Ben Greenwood's 457), Jamie Ryan 423 (to Betsey Wood's 466), Bruce Adams 415 (to Mike Wolfberg's 496), Cecilia Le 413 (to Brendan Sullivan's 432), Mike 412 (to James Leong's 430), Brad Whitmarsh 411 (to Jake Bergmann's 468), Jere Mead 410 (to John O'Laughlin's 439), Jamie 407 (to Mike's 462), Mark Fidler 407 (to John O'Laughlin's 412), John Cheras 404 (to Steven Saul's 413), James 401 (to Carl Durdan's 454).

On 8-Apr-10, when attendance was 30, 10 games were played in which the loser scored more than 400: Evans Clinchy 463 (to Judy Horn's 464), Carl Durdan 447 (to Chris Kulig's 455), Merrill Kaitz 425 (to Wayne Yorra's 433), Seth Lipkin 424 (to Chris Sinacola's 449), Trx. Kt. 418 (to Jamie Ryan's 503), Chris Kulig 418 (to Evans Clinchy's 563), Trx. Kt. 413 (to Evans Clinchy's 504), Carl Durdan 409 (to Evans Clinchy's 439), Bob Becker 405 (to Betsey Wood's 414), Ben Harrison 401 (to Jamie Ryan's 454).

On 17-Apr-08, when attendance was 32, 10 games were played in which the loser scored more than 400: Bruce Adams 460 (to Alyssa Faria's 495), Jamie Ryan 432 (to Judy Cole's 450), Steven Saul 431 (to Richard Buck's 444), Jake Bergmann 421 (to Carl Durdan's 424), Jamie 419 (to Bruce's 464), Ellen Miller 418 (to Judy Cole's 462), Tim Lutts 417 (to Judy Horn's 529), Rod MacNeil 414 (to Betsey Wood's 421), Barbara Revkin 410 (to Linda Giovinazzo's 412), Carl 403 (to David Root's 408).

On 24-Nov-07, when attendance was 23 in an unusually long club session on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, 10 games were played in which the loser scored more than 400: Richard Buck 443 (to Joel Horn's 453), Judy Horn 433 (to Richard's 476), Jamie Ryan 431 (to Joey Mallick's 438), Judy 422 (to Carl Durdan's 426), Jamie 417 (to Judy's 456), Jamie 414 (to Carol McCumber's 453), Mark Fidler 412 (to Joey's 508), Bob Becker 410 (to Ben Harrison's 458), Richard 409 (to Jamie's 424), Bob 403 (to Ellen Miller's 423).

On 4-Jan-07, when attendance was 32, 10 games were played in which the loser (or person who tied) scored at least 400: Ben Harrison 434 (to Jamie Ryan's 489), Trx. Kt. 433 (to Bob Becker's 479), Jamie 426 (to Ben's 531), Wayne Yorra 415 (to Judy Cole's 424), Tim Wilkinson 413 (to Brad Whitmarsh's 501), Larry Katz 409 (to Joel Horn's 460), Cecilia Le 402 (to Barbara Revkins's 424), Ben and Mike Wolfberg tied with 401-401, Mike 400 (to Jamie's 442), Judy Cole 400 (to Judy Horn's 439).

On 24-Mar-11, 10 games were played in which the loser scored at least 400: Ben Harrison 457 (to Judy Cole's 476), Steven Saul 452 (to Jamie Ryan's 469), Ben Harrison 436 (to Trx. Kt.'s 462), Trx. Kt. 436 (to Steven Saul's 440), Barbara Revkin 424 (to Jamie Ryan's 503), Chris Sinacola 422 (to Jamie Ryan's 435), Steven Saul 418 (to Seth Lipkin's 439), Ben Harrions 412 (to Evans Clinchy's 439), Bob Becker 404 (to Mike Wolfberg's 502), Marvin Krauss 400 (to Claudia Cassel's 439).

On 3-Jul-08, 9 games were played in which the loser scored at least 400, plus there was a tie game with a score over 400: Carl Durdan 460 (to Chris Sinacola's 492), Rod MacNeil 446 (to Steven Saul's 467), Rod 437 (to Seth Lipkin's 460), Carl 433 (to Alyssa Faria's 482), Evans Clinchy 426 (to Judy Horn's 434), Richard Buck 423 (to Joel Horn's 452), Joel 416 (to Alyssa's 421), Judy and Rod tied with 408-408, Mike Wolfberg 402 (to Rod's 426), Rod 402 (to Alyssa's 461).

On 22-Mar-07, 9 games were played in which the loser scored at least 400: Richard Buck 455 (to Kate Fukawa-Connelly's 472), Jamie Ryan 428 (to Joel Horn's 433), Trx. Kt. 419 (to Larry Katz's 485), Seth Lipkin 417 (to Ben Harrison's 503), Bob Becker 414 (to Judy Horn's 439), Jamie 411 (to Joev Dubach's 423), Cecilia Le 408 (to Rod MacNeil's 423), Jane Conti 401 (to Joey Mallick's 427), Joel Horn 400 (to Leigh Bernstein's 430). There were 33 players at the club that night.

On 5-Jul-07, 9 games were played in which the loser scored over 400: Mike Wolfberg 450 (to Jamie Ryan's 493), Jamie 436 (to Thomas Stumpf's 552), Judy Horn 434 (to Bob Becker's 467), Mike 432 (to Jamie's 452), John O'Laughlin 426 (to Kate Fukawa-Connelly's 433), Richard Buck 425 (to Ben Greenwood's 427), Cecilia Le 424 (to John's 425), Bob 403 (to Brad Whitmarsh's 423) Cecilia Le 402 (to Nick Amphlett's 424). There were 29 players at the club that night.

On 30-Jan-14, 8 OWL2 games were played in which the loser scored over 400: Joel Horn 421 (to Wes Eddings's 441), Marvin Krauss 416 (to Chris Kulig's 430), Carol McDonald 415 (to Chris Kulig's 417), Marc Goldstein 405 (to Emmanuel Aronie's 413), Jake Bergmann 410 (to Richard Spence's 459), Catherine Day 410 (to Wes Eddings's 430), Trx. Kt. 403 (to Mike Wolfberg's 458), Richard Spence 402 (to Joel Horn's 452). In the one Collins game there was another high loss in which Richard Buck scored 427 (to Jake Bergmann's 428). There were 21 players at the club that night.

On 1-Feb-07, 8 games were played in which the loser scored over 400: Joel Horn 472 (to Diana Spiller's 487), Cecilia Le 432 (to Judy Horn's 601), Ellen Miller 429 (to Joev Dubach's 432), Jake Bergmann 410 (to Joel Horn's 445), Brad Whitmarsh 406 (to Ben Greenwood's 431), Mark Fidler 406 (to Jere Mead's 416), Diana 406 (to Rod MacNeil's 410), Judy Cole 401 (to Larry Katz's 491). In the first mentioned of these games, Joel played 5 bingos yet lost, and Diana played 3 bingos. There were 33 players at the club that night.

On 5-Oct-06, 8 games were played in which the loser scored at least 400: Jamie Ryan 456 (to Ben Harrison's 492) Bob Becker 436 (to Cecilia Le's 473), Jake Bergmann 414 (to John Cheras's 420), Larry Katz 413 (to Brad Whitmarsh's 418), Jamie 407 (to Cecilia's 441), Bob 404 (to Judy Cole's 439), Brad 401 (to Judy Horn's 526), Larry 400 (to Ben's 424). There were 30 players at the club that night.

On 14-Jan-10, when attendance was 30, 8 games were played in which the loser (or person who tied) scored at least 400: Judy Horn and Steven Saul tied with 445-445, Jamie Ryan 433 (to Merril Kaitz's 482), Mike Wolfberg 431 (to Jamie's 445), Joel Horn 427 (to Christian Jurlando's 444), Evans Clinchy 411 (to Mike's 412), Seth Lipkin 410 (to Richard Buck's 426), Evans 407 (to Merrill's 506), Trx. Kt. 400 (to Bob Becker's 430).

On 2-Mar-06, 7 games were played in which the loser (or person who tied) scored at least 400: Wayne Yorra 425 (to Mike Wolfberg's 454), Bob Becker 412 (to Ben Harrison's 527), Judy Horn 410 (to Jack Niles's 433), Arnie Horowitz 409 (to Jake Bergmann's 413), Larry Katz 404 (to Michael Cresta's 417), Marek Janota-Bzowski and Jamie Ryan tied with 404-404, Carl Durdan 401 (to Ben's 427), Joel Horn 400 (to Tim Wilkinson's 451).

Six losses over 400 have been noted in several club sessions. We have been carefully watching this stat since 25-Aug-01, when there were 8 losses over 400 at an extended session at a club party. We are uncertain about this stat prior to that party, but it is quite unlikely any higher numbers had been achieved.

Longest Streak of Ties

Typically, the number of tied games in an entire season is around 7, as evidenced in the 2004-2005 season, and these are spread through twelve months of club play. This club experienced an unusual streak of tied games in the Spring of 2006 such that there was at least one tied game in each club session starting on May 11 (with a 411-411). This continued for a total of 7 weekly club sessions. In one of those sessions there were two ties. Club attendance during those 7 weeks was 21, 25, 31, 29, 26, 25, and 25. When the streak ended on 29-Jun-06, there was a game in which the scores differed by one point!

On 2-Feb-12, Joel Horn tied twice: with Richard Buck (at 327) and Larry Katz (at 355).

Longest Overlapping Parallel Plays

We have not been conscientious about noting long overlaps over the years. Mark Fidler thinks he played a 7-letter overlap in his first week attending this club in early 1980, and he knows the word was PINKEST, but we have no further details, except he defeated Mike Wolberg in that game.

On 17-Jan-19, Wes Eddings played FiNITES underneath EGaLITE. There was also an R above the leading letter of EGaLITE. This was a going-out play scoring 98 points.

On 10-Aug-06, Judy Horn played the bingo SHOALER, and Mark Fidler then played ABA above and parallel starting above the L. Later, Judy played INGATES starting under the H for an 87-point 6-letter overlap.

On 16-Mar-06, Jamie Ryan opened a game with HOWBEiT, and Trx. Kt. then replied with the 6-letter overlap parallel play of the newly acceptable REALTOr beginning beneath the O.

In November, 2004, Joel Horn made 6-letter overlaps in each of two consecutive weeks. On 4-Nov-04, Joel played ToRSADE underneath JAILERS ending under the R. On 11-Nov-04, he played IDEATED underneath STARKER starting under the T.

On 13-Mar-08, Joel Horn made a 6-way overlap. On the board positioned vertically was TELERAN, and ERASION was next to it starting after the R in TELERAN. Joel played SEDARIM vertically to the left of TELERAN starting one row higher.

On 22-May-08, Mike Wolfberg made a 6-way overlap. PAGODA was on the board at position 3B, and he played NOTaTES at position 2A above it for 88 points.

In August, 2009, Mike Wolfberg again made a 6-way overlap. On the board positioned vertically was the opening play of CANTEEN made by Judy Cole. Mike then played HOARSEN vertically next to it starting after the A.

On 3-Oct-13, Joel Horn made a 6-way overlap when he played DEALER at 5H alongside FORDONE 6G.

On 17-Aug-17, Joel Horn made a 6-way overlap when he played NArGILE at C5 alongside REINING at D6.

On 31-Aug-17, Joel Horn made a 6-way overlap when he played PINTOES 14A below HOISTED at 13B; and AD was at H12.

We will try to note these accomplishments in the future.

Longest Word Seen on a Board

On 13-Jan-05, Bob Becker played the 11-letter word MOTIVATIONS by adding MOTIVAT (for 97 points) to IONS, which his opponent made as an attempted blocking play. This was the first 11-letter bingo played in this club.

On 7-Feb-13, Joel Horn extended PROF at O1 with ITEROLe to make the 11-letter bingo of PROFITEROLe for 95 points.

On 21-Apr-05, Barbara Revkin first played VACATION for only 62 points (since one of the 1-point letters was represented by a blank) at 15E, but then on her next play, she scored 42 by extending it with ERS to make the 11-letter word VACATIONERS.

On 9-Jun-05, Bob Becker first played QUESTION. Later, Chris Kulig added ER. Subsequently, Bob hooked this with LUXES, making the 11-letter word QUESTIONERS.

On 17-Jul-03, Richard Buck played the 11-letter word EXPANSIVELY by adding LY (for 50 points) to EXPANSIVE, which he made on his previous turn for 72 points by adding to an EX already on the board.

On 26-Jun-03, Julie (LaPointe) Lindahl made the 11-letter word UNCONCERNED. In this game with Larry Katz, the word was built up in four plays: from NE to ERNE to CONCERNED to UNCONCERNED.

On 5-Sep-02, Dean Cullen extended Joel Horn's DIRECT to make the 11-letter word DIRECTIONAL. By the time Joel later had the further extension of ITY, the spot was blocked.

During the 2015-2016 Season, these 11-letter words were played: Morris Greenberg played PREDRILLING and Richard Buck played PHANTOMLIKE.

LAZES by prefixing 6 letters to form the phony TRAILBLAZES, which went unchallenged. It turned out that her rack leave was the letter R, which would have formed the acceptable 12-letter word if only she could have squeezed it near the end of LAZES.

On 21-Mar-13, Claudia Cassel supplemented ERE with her 7 letters to make the 10-letter bingo THUNDERERS. It was challenged and ruled acceptable.

On 21-Feb-08, Ben Harrison supplemented 3 non-sequential letters on the board, namely the TI and G, with his 7 letters to make the 10-letter bingo dEORBITING.

On 10-Feb-05, Larry Katz extended MON to make the 10-letter bingo MONOTHEISM.

On 24-Jul-03, Joel Horn extended ABO to make the 10-letter bingo ABOMINATES.

On 20-Jan-00, Richard Buck extended ORA to make the 10-letter bingo ORANGERIES.

On 20-May-99, Judy Horn created SCARIFYING, a 10-letter word as a bingo by surrounding RIF with letters A,G,I,N,S, and 2 blanks.

On 26-Jan-12, Judy Horn played the 10-letter ReTAILORED by prefixing RED already on the board.

On 28-Aug-03, Mike Wolfberg extended TRANQ to make the 10-letter TRANQUILER.

On 25-Apr-13, Claudia Cassell extended OVER to make the 10-letter OVERDRAFTS.

We are uncertain whether these plays are indeed club records; they are the longest plays we have made note of.

This unusual event involving two of our club players deserves to be noted here. On 30-Oct-04 at the Hyannis, MA tourney, after Mike Wolfberg opened with WAND at 8E, Bruce Adams extended this to WANDErLUSTS by adding his 7 letters, and this 11-letter word was all that was on the board. Mike would usually play this word at 8G, but Bruce traded 5 letters for his opening play, so Mike attempted to reduce the scores of Bruce's most likely next plays. This happening was mentioned in the NSA SCRABBLE® Player News, but it attributed to a game played in Nevada, and that is not where this game took place.

Most Games Played in a Season

Our club records are sketchy before the 1988-1989 season, but since then Trx. Kt. is the record holder, with 406 games played in the 2004-2005 season. Trx. also holds the runner-up record with 390 games in 2006-2007. She played 354 games in the 2007-2008 season. Jamie Ryan holds the next runner-up records, with 381 games in 2006-2007, 351 games in 2003-2004, and 346 games in 2004-2005.

Other runners-up record holders are Ben Harrison with 321 games in 2006-2007, Bob Becker with 321 games 2004-2005, Muriel Sands with 315 games in 1994-1995, Joel Horn with 301 games in 2010-2011, Judy Horn with 300 games in 2007-2008, and Forrestt Tellis with 292 games in 1991-1992.

Most Wins in a Season

Our club records are sketchy before the 1988-1989 season, but since then the record-holder is Jamie Ryan with 255 wins in the 2006-2007 season. Jamie also holds the record with 222 wins in 2004-2005. Mike Wolfberg had 213 wins in 2006-2007. Ben Harrison had 212 wins in 2006-2007, Mike Wolfberg had 207 wins in 2004-2005, Joel Horn had 204 wins in 2010-2011, Jamie had 204 wins in 2003-2004.

Most Points Scored in a Season

Our club records are sketchy before the 1988-1989 season, but we are confident the record-holder to be Jamie Ryan for scoring 162,744 points in the 2006-2007 season.

Jamie also holds these runner-up records: 138,892 points in 2004-2005, and 135,187 points in 2003-2004. He also scored 114,731 in 2005-2006.

Ben Harrison scored 133,510 points in 2006-2007.

Trx. Kt. scored 132,801 points in 2004-2005, 132,044 points in 2006-2007, and 119,718 points in 2007-2008.

Mike Wolfberg scored 127,518 points in 2006-2007 and 113,487 points in 2004-2005. Judy Horn scored 127,238 points in 2011-2012, 119,085 in 2006-2007, and 116,679 points in 2007-2008. Joel Horn scored 127,148 points in 2011-2012, 124,230 points in 2010-2011, and 118,292 in 2009-2010. Bob Becker scored 124,978 points in 2004-2005. Trx. Kt. scored 119,718 points in 2007-2008 and 117,590 points in 2005-2006. Brad Whitmarsh scored 118,693 points in 2006-2007.

Other runners-up are Forrestt Tellis with 111,252 points in the 1991-1992 season and Muriel Sands, based on her 110,522 points scored in the 1995-1996 season.

Most Club Games Played in a Session

In the nearly 8-hour club party session held during the day on Saturday, 12-Feb-05 to celebrate the club's 25th anniversary, 106 games were played by 38 players. Bruce Adams played 10 games during the session. Trx. Kt., Ellen Miller, and Bob Becker each played 9 games.

On 26-Jul-07 at a regular club session there were 102 played games. Realize this club sometimes holds longer sessions than many other clubs.

In the unusually long session held during the day on 26-Dec-98, 64 games were played. Each of these players played 12 games: Richard Buck went 8-4, and Judy Horn went 7-5.

Most Games Won in a Session

In a normal club session, albeit a lengthy one, on 7-Jun-07, Jamie Ryan won 10 games and was undefeated. He averaged 490!

In the unusually long club session held during the day on 26-Dec-98, Joel Horn won 10 games and was undefeated.

In a normal club session, albeit a lengthy one, on 24-Mar-05, Bob Becker won his first 9 games. Although he played a tenth game, he lost that one.

In the unusually long club session held the Saturday after Thanksgiving on 24-Nov-07, Bob Becker won 9 games. He also lost 3 games, 2 of which were over-400 losses.

Highest Session Attendance

On 11-Mar-04 there were 44 players, including 3 new ones.

On 8-Apr-04 there were 43 players, including 5 new ones.

On 2-Jun-05 there were 41 players, including 2 new ones. On 29-Apr-10 there were 41 players, including 5 new ones.

Highest Number of Players in the Top Ten

The weekly news lists the top ten active players based on ratings. Normally this includes exactly ten players. When there are ties, such as for first place, we consider both of those players to be first, and there is no second place, since it is skipped. A strange case occurred for the news for 24-Jun-99 in that four players were tied for tenth place and therefore 13 players were listed in the top ten.

Highest Number of Players With a Rating Above 1700

During the 2006-2007 season this club saw more strong players participating. As a result, we saw more then 20 players with a rating exceeding 1700 for the first time in club history. On 2-Aug-07, the club news showed 28 active (ranked) players with a rating above 1700.

Many Animals Played in One Game

On 12-Nov-09 in a game between Ben Harrison and Mike Wolfberg, these 7 animals were on the board when the game ended: CAPELIN, GOOSE, OWL, REE, AHI, UNAI, AI, and this animal adjective was also on the board: AEDINE.

On 29-Jan-03 in a game between Judy Horn and Mike Wolfberg, these 7 animals were played: PIG, EMU, NENE, ZEBU, WREN, COUGAR, RAPTOR; in addition there were LIONISES, QAT, and GUL. RAPTOR has an animal anagram.

On 19-Aug-04, these 6 animals were played in a game between Bob Becker and Mike Wolfberg: APE, BIRDIES, UTA, ORIBI, OX, HEN.

On 17-Apr-03, these 5 animals were played in a game between Linda Giovinazzo and Joel Horn: GOAT, RAT, MARES, COON, PORPOISE.

Many Players' Names Starting with J

On 19-Feb-04 we believe a record was set at the club when there were 12 of the 34 players attending whose first names start with a "J": Jake Bergmann, Jane Conti, Joev Dubach, Jonathan Ellis, Jeanne Freebody, Joel Horn, Judy Horn, Julie Lindahl, Jason Marcouillier, Jackie Prince, Jamie Ryan, John Van Pelt. Neither Jere Mead nor Joey Mallick was there, and there are 16 other "J" folks who had attended the club within the previous 99 sessions. Without checking exhaustively, there were 3 other players who almost met the criterion: Michael J. Cresta, Myron J. Feld, and Steven J. Saul. For extra credit, Mike Wolfberg's son is David J. Wolfberg; Mike was there, but his son was not.

The same word played adjacent to itself

On 9-Nov-06, In a game between Elaine Patterson and Hilda Siegel, part of the board looked like:

Y       B
A       B
H   D A Y
Is seemed most unusual to see the same word just above itself. Hilda played ANNUAL, Elaine played DEE, Hilda played MM, Elaine played YAHOO.

back to the top of this page This page, maintained by Mike Wolfberg, was last updated on December 10, 2024 .